four clarinet mouthpieces

How To Clean A Clarinet Mouthpiece

Cleaning a clarinet mouthpiece is an important thing if you want your instrument to sound good. That’s exactly what I’m going to teach you…

clarinet reed on mouthpiece

How To Put A Reed In A Clarinet

In this short tutorial, I want to talk to you about how to put a reed in your clarinet to help you get a…

record a flute

How To Record A Flute

Recording a flute is a process where you capture the sound of your flute and transform it into audio. I’ve been recording instruments for…

clarinet parts

How To Assemble A Clarinet

In this article, you will learn how to assemble a clarinet and what to consider in the process. But before you start it, you…

flute parts

How To Assemble A Flute

In this guide, I will teach you how you can assemble your flute. This is an essential step for every beginner player. I already…

put a reed on saxophone

How To Put A Reed On A Saxophone

It can be difficult to put a reed on a saxophone mouthpiece properly. Especially, if you have never done it before. But there’s a…

hold clarinet

How To Hold A Clarinet

In this beginner’s guide, I will teach you to learn how to hold your clarinet in a proper playing position. Also, you will learn…

facts about flute

9 Flute Facts

In this post, I want to share interesting flute facts to learn more about your favorite instrument. You may know some of them but…

clarinet facts

12 Clarinet Facts

Clarinets are popular woodwind instruments. They have a rich history and there are some interesting facts about clarinets. Its unique sound has fascinated both…

blowing flute

How To Blow Into A Flute

This article is a beginner’s guide on how to blow into a flute. It might be the first step for you to learn the…

cleaning flute

How To Clean A Flute

It’s simple – clean your flute regularly if you want it to sound good. Also, you will avoid all the issues related to dirty…

saxophone blowing

How To Blow Into A Saxophone

Blowing into a saxophone is one of the most important things. It has the main impact on how your sax sounds. The important thing…


Is Saxophone Hard To Learn

Learning the saxophone is as hard as any other instrument. But with dedication and practice routine it becomes easy. When you first start you…

saxophone facts

14 Saxophone Facts

A saxophone is a very popular and unique-sounding woodwind instrument. It’s used in various genres of music. There are different and interesting facts related…

clean your clarinet

How To Clean A Clarinet

In this guide, I would like to share some tips and tricks on how to clean a clarinet and sanitize it. Having a regular…

woodwind instruments

What Are Woodwind Instruments

Woodwind instruments produce sound by blowing air through a mouthpiece, which makes a reed or air column vibrate. Every instrument in this family plays…

woman holding flute

How To Hold A Flute

In this simple guide, I’ll explain the correct way to hold a flute to play comfortably. It involves understanding where to position your fingers…

how to growl sax

How To Growl On Saxophone

Imagine you’re on stage, saxophone in hand, and you unleash a soulful growl that sends shivers down the audience’s spine. It’s a powerful, visceral…